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unit labour cost中文是什么意思

用"unit labour cost"造句"unit labour cost"怎么读"unit labour cost" in a sentence


  • 单位人工成本


  • The biggest threat for companies is that unit labour costs are growing faster than 5 % a year
    对公司的最大威胁是单位劳动成本的年上涨速度已经超过5 % 。
  • Declining real wages and a modest upswing in productivity have together produced a sustained drop in unit labour costs
  • Declining real wages and a modest upswing in productivity have together produced a sustained drop in unit labour costs
  • Over the past decade , european firms have been much more successful than america in holding down unit labour costs and thus remaining competitive
  • The empirical analysis related cpi inflation to cost factors including import prices , unit labour cost and property rentals
  • The explanation is that productivity has grown even faster than wages , expanding by 20 % a year in industry , cutting unit labour costs
    对此的解释是生产率的涨幅远远高于工资增长率,而事实上随着工业企业单位劳力成本的削减,生产率的增幅每年都在20 %以上。
  • It looked , on the basis of figures published earlier this year , as if the trend in productivity was deteriorating while american unit labour costs were rising sharply
  • These downgrades were incorporated this week into lower estimates for productivity growth and higher readings for unit labour costs , which rose by an alarming 4 . 5 % in the year to the second quarter
    这些下降将在本周合并并导致生产率增长的下降和单位劳动成本的上升,该成本到今年上半年为止已经令人警惕的增长了4 . 5 % 。
  • Further evidence came in that the economic cycle is ageing : america ' s fourth - quarter productivity growth was marked down sharply , to just 1 . 6 % at an annual rate ; american unit labour costs leapt in the same quarter , by an annualised 6 . 6 %
    进一步的证据表明本次经济周期已走到末尾阶段:美国第四季度生产率的增长急剧下降,按年率计算仅有1 . 6 % ;美国的单位劳动成本在该季度按年率计算跃升了6 . 6 % 。
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